IN A CENTURY WHERE ONE SIZE FITS ALL has evolved into a mass-market competition of customized choice, a growing demand for individualized learning has also emerged. Like any other modern convenience, education can benefit from technological advancement, and only technology can provide such personalized instruction affordably.
In Education Transformation, Ron Packard, CEO and founder of K12, America’s largest K12 online learning provider, describes the kinds of technology-based innovations that are beginning to transform K12 education—the only major industry still left behind on the technology transformation curve. And it’s not just about computers in classrooms; it’s about using technology to deliver individualized solutions for every child.
Customized learning plans like K12’s can:
- remediate kids who fall behind,
- engage the hard-to-reach,
- stem the flow of dropouts,
- stretch the reach of advanced learners able to rocket ahead,
- refine the role of teachers to focus on higher-impact activities,
- prepare students to compete in the ever “flatter” world market and workplace,
- and, complete it all within overstretched budgets in a fixed amount of time.
In a world where human capital has never been more valuable, our nation’s children—our future—cannot afford to fall further behind. Education Transformation demonstrates how America’s system of learning can evolve—rapidly and at scale—to meet students’ increasingly diverse needs by tapping into the same innovations that have revolutionized the way we work, shop, connect, play, and consume entertainment over the past two decades.
Technology is becoming the best tool for transforming teaching and learning in America and around the world. This book is an excellent guide for teachers and administrators—not to mention parents—as we envision schooling in the future.
Dr. Mary Futrell
An excellent guide for districts and states on how technology can improve our education system—not by a theorist but by someone who is actually doing it.
Paul Vallas
Online and digital learning have begun to change the way schools and our education system work. This book is a must read for anyone interested in learning how, thanks to technology, every student can receive a personalized, high quality education.
Jeb Bush
It is exciting to be here with so many of our students. It reminds me how lucky I am. My favorite part of my job is spending time with students and their families. I gave my first commencement 30 years ago when I delivered my high school valediction and remember wondering if I would ever speak at a graduation again. I wondered if I would be any wiser.
This seems silly today, but not so much when you are an 18 year old who thinks he knows everything. Are there any parents out there who know an 18 year old like that? Mark Twain once quipped, “As a teenager I couldn’t believe how ignorant my old man was. Ten years later, I couldn’t believe how much he learned.”
As the Internet would not become commercially available for another decade or so, I certainly couldn’t imagined the pathway I would take in life, and I certainly would not have imagined speaking to a class of students who went to school online. Also, an interesting thing happened at that graduation. The guest speaker at that graduation was our superintendent of schools and 20 years later I hired him. So please keep me in mind when you are looking for somebody in 20 years. I’m a good employee.
Times have changed dramatically but I think that the messages I would have liked to have heard on my graduation day are still true today, just as they would have been true 100 years ago and will likely be true 100 years from now….
RON PACKARD, CEO and founder of K12 Inc., is a pioneer in the emerging world of individualized online learning. Under his leadership, K12‘s award-winning curriculum and services have been used by almost 500,000 K12 students in eighty-five countries and six continents.
Recognized with the Education Industry Association’s James P. Boyle Entrepreneurial Leadership Award, as well as an Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award in Greater Washington, Packard and K12 are leading the effort to capitalize on individualized learning’s ability to address educational challenges from dropouts to teacher shortages to the inadequacies of current testing regimes.
© 2013 Education Transformation | Ron Packard